Sunday, October 2, 2011

Selling Liquor above MRP Rates

Selling Liquor above MRP Rates in Andhra Pradesh and other States of India...!
There are several cells and Organization in India to protect and safe-guard the interest of consumers. Periodically huge advertisements are displayed in print and electronic media to create awareness among the consumers and advising them to bargain and buy products less than the 'Maximum Retail Price' (MRP) printed on the goods and products.

Contrary to this, the 'Indian made foreign liquor' shops in A.P. State ridiculously sell all liquor items much above the MRP labels, without any fear or respect to the law of the land.

All the Government Departments and machinery concerned are afraid of these 'liquor syndicate mafia' so that they are unable to lift even a small finger against them, as they are guarded by all political parties, as all these parties have a common agenda in this regard only, as they all get their share of the loot.

I request Honorable Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Ministry of EXCISE AND CUSTOMS and APBCL to take an action on the wine shops which sell the liquor above M.R.P rate.

Yours truly,
The Revitalization of Governance Forum

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