Friday, July 1, 2011

To The Chairman and Managing Director APEPDCL

Sri.Ahmad Nadeem,I.A.S.,
Chairman and Managing Director
Here we bring to your kind notice the fact that KONASEEMA villages are facing a lot of problems for irregular electric supply and low voltages... 
Unscheduled power cuts:
The power supply in KONASEEMA Area has become a big nuisance causing untold miseries to our daily lives. Power outages of long and short durations are as many as 5 to 10 times each day and there is as much as 10 to 15 hours of total time each day spent without power supply. Most of the times the complaint telephones are either not picked up or the land lines are kept off the cradle. If they do reply, it is only that a maintenance work is in progress. What kind of professionalism is this that APEPDCL needs maintenance with the frequency mentioned above? How many times each day and how many times each month does APEPDCL conduct maintenance? This has been disrupting our home and professional lives. Either the explanation (maintenance in progress) given by the staff is a lie or if it is true, the department is totally incompetent to handle power supply.
Illegal power cuts:
The power supply in KONASEEMA from the past one year there has been an increase in power cuts. Last one month was the most frustrating  month for the locality as the power frequently went off and did not came till the early morning, and the routine is continuing on everyday morning as well. What is the most disgusting and frustrating part is that when I try to call the APEDPCL Helpline nos. either they do not respond to the calls or make rude statements that its a routine cut will be restored in few minutes or call after half an hour. This is disgusting from a Government organization which has to work for people’s welfare and not torture them. I urge APEPDCL to train there people to behave properly and work efficiently.
Massive power cuts:
The most pathetic electricity board in this country is APEPDCL. They have no respect for citizens' well being and are absolutely inefficient. Transformers blow up as regularly as one can possibly think of. Then they do not find it necessary to rectify these problems as soon as possible. God forbid if the transformer blows during the evening then only expect to get it repaired the next day. Last week the power supply was absent for 12 hours a day because APEPDCL deemed it unnecessary to get it repaired ASAP. I find it amusing that a state which out sources its power to neighboring states cries about the lack of it. I stay in KONASEEMA and experience long power cuts everyday and it becomes longer during the weekends when families want to spend sometime with each other. Bravo APEPDCL.. You are a living proof of shameless service providing inadequacies of our Government organizations.
Please start to wake up, don’t do just strike for pay hike and do also work. We Would request you to kindly look into the matter and do justice for the people at the earliest. 

Yours truly,
The Revitalization of Governance Forum

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